A month ago, today in fact, I wrote about having more babies and when was the appropriate time to do so. WELL, little did I know that I was in fact pregnant again. I would not find out for another 4 days, but that doesn't make it any less true. I figured that once things got back on track and we could start trying again, it would take a few months. That's not uncommon for women. So I thought that maybe after the summer we'd be pregnant again. HA. Somebody had other plans. But, there's nothing wrong with that. The more I thought about it, after Bella was born, I thought that I would prefer having kids pretty close together. Like between 18 months and 2 years. That was a huge decision for me because Bella's first year has been pretty difficult so far.
When the time came to choose birth control, I told my doctor I wasn't worried about it. We figured we'd start trying to have another baby over the summer (which began 2 days ago....). She figured that's great, go for it! Well, a week after that, after visiting Melanie, an all to familiar visitor came back. Thanks for that dear :)! I thought, "Ok, now you have to be careful if you want to wait a little longer to have a baby." That didn't happen, but I still didn't think that I'd get pregnant so quickly. Once my birthday rolled around, I was supposed to get another period. It didn't come. Took a test. Negative. Waited 2 days. Nothing. Took a test. Negative. FINALLY, almost a week after I missed my period, I bought another set of tests. The first one had a faint line. I took another. Guess what? Faint line. I started to get excited. I called my doctor and told them what was going on, so they set me up for a sonogram which was today.
For the 3 weeks that followed the positive tests, I started getting nervous. Not because I was gonna have two babies 15 months apart. More because I thought something could be wrong. I had no reason to think so at the time, and I honestly haven't had any reason to think so in the past 3 weeks. But still, I stayed cautious. I decided a couple people HAD to know, so I called them. And then as I saw some people in person, we went ahead and told them as well. Now, we have a heartbeat. I'm measuring just as I thought I would be. My first OB appointment is set. I know there are no garauntees that everything will be ok until after your first trimester, but seeing the heartbeat is always a really good sign.
Anyway, I'm amazed at how fast everything is moving this time. Symptoms that I didnt get until well after 10 weeks are already making their pressence known. I had morning sickness (at night though) for the first time ever. I had a very light amount of nausea with Bella, but this time I got to a point that I couldn't eat without feeling sick. At 8 weeks, I look like I did at 15 weeks last time. Granted that's alot of bloating, but my lord, I can't wear most of my normal pants anymore! I'm still not quite as excited as I was last time, but its just nerves. I think once 13 weeks hits, I'll feel even better than I already do knowing there's a heartbeat. And then, of course, there's kicking. I think that was my favorite part of being pregnant with Bella. Of course, I never really got kicked in the ribs or anything like a lot of women do. Bella was super good in the womb, then decided it was time to stir up some "fun" when she arrived.
For now, I'm just gonna take it day by day and enjoy a whole new, yet familiar set of milestones (whenever they may come about this time).
WOW! Congrats, Kristie! Can't believe Bella's going to be a big sister already!
Man, you're gonna need a bigger car with two car seats to tote :)
We're so excited for you! You will have so much fun! What a fun new adventure!
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