Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Warning: Baby poop is discussed.

So when do you stop worrying about something?  I am wrestling with this idea as we speak.  Bella changed formula recently to sensitive from the hypoallergenic kind.  Now, I can't even wrap my mind around when something might be wrong or she's just being fussy or cranky.  This also goes for her diapers.  Most of you reading this are moms so you know that poop can look different even when you feed your kid the same thing.  Well, Bella's standard is green (of varying shades) and either quite thick or quite thin with what looks like mucus. 

Of course, the mucus scares the bajeezus out of me because that is what Bella dealt with when she had her milk allergies going out of control!  Now, I'm really glad there's no blood, so that gives me hope that nothing is actually wrong.  But how do you know?  She does fuss a good amount.  Not like she used to, but Bella gets cranky.  This leaves me wondering if she's teething, if she is having tummy issues again, or something else is bothering her.  Right now, I don't really have anything new to talk to her doctors about because they know what I've been seeing recently since this change. 

We have a month and change until her year check up, so I am trying to hold out as long as possible.  I don't need to freak out just because she's cranky sometimes, despite my usual being to do just that.  So, I'm on the watch.  Maybe, just maybe I'll let this one go for the next month and we'll either have nothing to worry about or she's still got some tummy issues and things will just get worse. 

Let's keep in mind, though, that Bella has been eating solids without problems in the digestive department.  If you can eat carrots, Cheerios, bananas, and chicken (etc.), then why would a sensitive formula give you trouble?  FYI, the difference between Alimentum and Sensitive is that Alimentum breaks down the milk proteins so much that its virtually impossible to have an allergic reaction and Sensitive cuts out the lactose to reduce gas and fussiness.  The milk protein allergy generally goes away as an infant gets older and their digestive system beefs up.  We'll see how it goes.  Though, I think it's safe to say that she won't be having cows milk anytime soon!


Heidi said...

If it's the formula that has been the change and possibly causing the added fussiness and poop changes, could you maybe get a little bit of the Alimentum formula to try for a couple of days and sorta experiment to see the differences in her happiness and poop production between the different days. Trying to keep the same solids consumption across the board so the only major difference is the formula?
If there is one thing I have heard about parenting, it's all a series of trial and error...so maybe a scientific approach to this trial and error might help narrow some things down?
Of course I could be totally off base and be providing the worst input ever.
Good luck!

klcalder said...

That works, but in a longer span. You have to allow at least a week to see if there's a change, a lot of times even a little more time than that. And she's been on sensitive exclusively for over a week. To me, it seems like her diapers are the same, but it still drives me crazy. Basically, there are a ton of other factors to consider before you jump to any big conclusions. She is nowhere near as fussy as she used to be and there are a lot of other things that could be making her cranky. The key is whether or not you can comfort her and get her to stop crying. When she becomes inconsolable, we have a problem.

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