Thursday, November 18, 2010

That fever's a #^&%~!

Bella has been sick before.  A couple of times.  Not quite like many other babies who are sick often.  But we haven't had to cope with a nasty fever before.  This is decidedly not fun.  Of course, what makes it worse is that there really isn't anything that you can do for her.  She has to get over her bug on her own just like we do when we get a stomach bug or something of that sort.  It makes it difficult when she's upset and there's no solution. 

This bug has also kept her from wanting to eat any solids for a day or so now.  While this may not be a huge deal for some, it kind of is for us.  Bella has had so much trouble getting to eat solids that any set back seems like a major set back.  Even with the vomiting, I thought she was going to stop taking bottles.  Thankful, that wasn't the case, just the case for last night. 

So, for the next couple of days, we're going to be loving on some pedialyte and enjoying extra formula.  If anyone knows anything to help reduce a fever besides the normal Tylenol (which doesn't really seem to do too much anyway), I'm taking suggestions :)!


Amanda said...

Get in a cool shower with her!!! We did that for Leah when she's had a fever before. It's also good because the water would distract her from not feeling well.

Amanda said...

You can also try extra skin to skin cuddling (if she'll let you). Often, Mommy or Daddy's body temperature can regulate Baby's. Good luck!!!!

klcalder said...

She is a cuddle monster right now! She's getting some of that. And I do remember hearing about lukewarm water being great for controlling a fever! Thanks for the advice!

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