I'm very bad at updating, aren't I? Well, it's been an interesting month so I suppose it isn't a big deal. Recently, I've had to learn to cope without my mom being in town. Now she's not just not in town, she's not in state. It's been strange, but I have done a lot better than I thought I would. I find things to occupy our time and I think it's been easier on the kids being at home all of the time.
Being that we're in a new situation, we've been trying some new things as well. Steve and I decided that it was time to sleep train Bella. It's been 3 weeks, and while we've had success we certainly still have a ways to go. She still cries when she has to go to bed, but that's our fault for not creating good sleeping habits for her in the first place. Another thing I know will need to happen soon that could throw a wrench in our plans is moving to a toddler bed. She's starting to climb and I'd rather not experience broken bones if I can help it.
We also started back up with food therapy since Bella was starting to slip in her growth again. We've seen immediate progress! She's begun to eat more solids and take less bottles and now we are slowly trying to wean her off formula all together. Now, she's a solid 22 lbs and continuing to gain weight, so now seems like the right time to move in that direction.
As for Jude, well he's so delightfully normal that it's almost boring. I say almost because he's my son so he simply can't be boring to me! He's gone through all of the vegetable purees and we're almost through the fruits. This kid can pack away the food, that's for sure! I'm guessing he's close to 19 lbs now. Then there's his quickly emerging personality. Lots of people thought I would have a nice calm, sweet baby since Bella is such a ball of energy (and has been known to be a bit challenging at times). That's a load of baloney! Jude is super energetic and is already becoming quite talkative. He doesn't really say any consonants like Bella was at this point, but he loves experimenting with raspberry sounds and gurgling, among other things. He's getting close to sitting on his own and then most likely crawling will come very soon after.
I'm certainly not bored during the day. Perhaps a bit overwhelmed at times, but never bored.
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