Thursday, July 14, 2011

One baby per month (sort of)

Holy cow!  Babies be everywhere!  I can't even guess how many babies that have been born in my circles in the past few years.  In fact, this year, it's almost 1 a month!  Steve says that we are just at that stage of life and I completely understand.  Most of our friends who are married have been so for at least 2-3 years and have had a chance to settle into a career or whatever else it is they've wanted to accomplish.  That means babies!

For example, 2008 started it all.  2 babies (April and December).  In 2009, 6 babies.  In 2010, 8 babies.  This year, 7 have already made their appearance.  There's still 5 to come....that I know of.  And we have our first entry for 2012.  One of my cousins is expecting his first in January next year, around Jude's birthday.  This is crazy, in a good way of course. 

After talking about it with Steve, he made the point that it will be like this for a few years.  It's family building time.  Honestly, there is not better time of life!  The next 20-30 years are going to be a grand adventure that's for sure.  Then, our kids will be doing the same....scary.

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