Just for kicks, here are some of the ideas I've been throwing around. For Arabella's room, we'll be going with a Disney Fairies theme. That's easy enough. I'm not too worried about her outgrowing this in 5 years. The base of her room will most likely be a sage green and everything else will be able to be replaced easily. She already has the fairies bedding, so here's what we're looking at getting her next:
Wall decals, a kid's chair, a lamp. She already has a white bed and dresser. It's all coming together in my head where everything should go. We'll see if it all actually happens when we get there.
As for Jude, I'm finally proud to say I have a clear view of what I'd like to do with his room. I played with the idea of a solar system room, but it has evolved into a specific them: Star Wars. Steve has mentioned this many times before but I wasn't on board. I wanted to be sure I could find things that don't look super cheesy or expected. I wanted Jude's room to be cool. Now, I've found some really neat items that I think can accomplish my goal. Here's a look at the items for Jude's potential room:
Toddler Bedding:
Absolutely necessary quotes:
Vader clock:
Movie poster:
There's quite a bit out there that will be cool without us over doing it. Then there's the thing we really want, but most likely won't get:
That would probably be overkill....but it really is awesome. If we are so lucky to get most of this done soon after we move, I'll be able to get some good pictures up of both rooms. I'm hoping we can get everything I'd like and that everything will come together nicely. We'll soon find out!
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