Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Do you have a second shower?

I've been thinking a lot lately about what's to come in the next few months.  There are quite a few logistical problems that I'm going to have to tackle.  For instance, how on earth am I going to grab Bella out of her crib with a big belly?  Then there's also the fact that I technically can't pick her up after a few months of pregnancy.  Pretty sure that that won't be happening, but I'll do my best.  Then, I thought about what I'm going to do with Bella when I go to the doctor's office.  The best idea I could come up with was take the stroller.  I looked at my mom when she mentioned this and laughed in disbelief.  I thought, "How am I gonna fit a normal size stroller in that tiny little room!?  Is she nuts?"  Then she suggested I take her umbrella stroller.  That should fit ok, but I can't just leave her on the floor, the doctor will trip over her.  She'll fall out of the chair if I sit her down.  I can't hold her because the doctor needs to get to me.  Then there's the carrier.  No, its heavy.  Not gonna happen.  Stroller it is. 

Out of all of these thoughts that have come up, though, one sticks out in my mind more than the rest.  Do you have a party for a second baby?  Especially one who will be born so close to my first.  I would say yes, but that isn't really a universal belief.  And if I do have a shower, how do I go about having it?  I don't really have anyone near by to throw me one, which is fine.  I do live in BFN north Dallas.  So, I just asked my mom if we could throw a party at her house.  Essentially, my mom and I threw the party.  I did all of the invites and what not because she didn't know a lot of my friends and she invited a few of her friends and provided food, cake, etc.  This time around it seems silly to even do that much.  Its my second baby, so I shouldn't want a shower, right?

There is also the fact that it is unlikely that I will need anything for this baby anyway!  I already have a ton of stuff.  Especially if this baby is a girl.  I won't need toys, bedding, clothes, a car seat, etc.  All I really need is a second crib and a duo stroller for convenience.  Even if this baby is a boy, I will need some clothes, but buying a wardrobe isn't quite as daunting as buying all of the equipment and toys that a baby needs.  So where is the need for a baby shower?  Well, I tell you what.  Personally, why the hell would you NOT celebrate EVERY BABY!  Babies are awesome and they are totally worth throwing a party for.  Who cares about the presents, the baby gives you an excuse to get together with friends and say "Yay, we're having a baby!  Isn't that awesome?"  Cook out, talk about future plans, all the crazy things that you're about to endure!  Even cooler, I heard an idea of having a gender announcement party.  I thought that it would be really cool...if I had the patience to wait to tell people.  Besides, some of the people I would want to invite would probably not be able to make it down anyway. 

So, whether I will actually have another baby shower, I do not know.  But I'm not saying it definitely won't happen.  And what if it were you?  Would you want another shower?  Or something of the sort to celebrate the new baby?


Elle Fowler said...

I know that some people do a diapers and formula shower. You could always have a "come meet the baby" party after it's born and people can bring gifts to that. We would rather have had a "come meet Evelyn" party anyway. Showers are awkward, lol.

klcalder said...

Well and showers often feel like a girl only affair. I say come one, come all. Ameet the baby style party is good stuff!

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