Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm sorry Bella, I can't wear you all day!

I know I rant about my child a lot, but, let's face it, she is my life!  Well, now I need to get out some frustration about how clingy Bella is.  Most children reach a point where they want nothing more than to roll around on their own, eat their food themselves, and try to do everything on their own.  For many, that starts kinda early on.  For Bella, it hasn't started.  She'll play if I sit there for a long period of time and try to entice her to play with me, but for the most part, she will just go bonkers when I put her down.  Sometimes I worry that this is further hindering her hitting her milestones.  I'm not gonna beat around the bush or sugar coat it, she is at least a month and a half behind physically.  She just now started to sit up on her own for a short amount of time (and no, she cannot pull herself up to sit up). 

I have already coped with that and moved on (for the most part).  What I am concerned about is her inability to be alone for even a couple of minutes.  It takes a lot of effort to get her to sit on her own and she won't do it for very long.  I'm not adverse to holding my baby, but my God!  I can't do it every waking minute of every waking hour!  Besides the fact that I have back pain that is exaserbated by holding her and its really, really hot now outside!  Extra body in my arms does not = cooler!  So now I'm torn.  What do I do?  I'm not just gonna sit there and let her cry, but I also can't hold her as often as she wants if I am going to stay healthy (mentally and physically).  Any suggestions?


Elle Fowler said...

Evelyn understands that holding her arms up together means "hold me". She also knows that my palms face up means "I'll hold you". So when she is playing and starts to get clingy, I make her crawl/scoot to me before I'll hold her. I turn my palms up and that lets her know she has to get to them to be held. It has helped a lot because by the time she gets to me she's bored with me already. Try stuff! You never know when you'll stumble on something weird that totally works!

klcalder said...

Not a bad idea! I think she knows that arms up means she wants up, she doesn't do it often though, she cries instead. I may be wrong, she may not know it at all :). But I think part of the problem is that she doesn't scoot or crawl. I bet its part bordem and frustration too, like when Evelyn was figuring out crawling!

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