I took a couple of minutes just now to look at my previous posts. I decided, I talk a lot. In talking a lot, I get many things off my chest that sometimes I didn't even know were there. I feel like this is common place for bloggers. Your blog is a journal for everyone to see. The only problem with that is that sometimes there are things you shouldn't talk about. I don't think I've entered that realm quite yet. And after a while, I am guessing that you become very good at knowing just what to type so as not to embarrass yourself :)!
Anyway, I couldn't help but get teary-eyed rereading some of my Bella blogs. Slowly, these Bella blogs have become Bella blogs and Jude blogs. Then, as they get older and begin to play together, they will become Bella and Jude blogs. Its weird to think how much my life has changed already and it has only been 6 months since I started this little blog. I'm sure I'll have so much more to say here, even if it is only to myself sometimes ;).
1 comment:
Writing for me has always been a bit of a cathartic release, even if no one else is going to ever see what I have written! I haven't written much in awhile because there hasn't been much in my life I felt that was really worth writing about. Kids seem to change that drastically though!
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