Sunday, January 2, 2011


Ouy.  That's the only word that can describe how I feel at this point.  I'm torn over everything going on with this kid.  I want to go ahead and just go into labor but I know that he will still be considered preterm for another week and a half.  I can't stop stressing about when I will go into labor but I want to just relax about it and not worry.  It's going to happen when it's going to happen.  There is nothing I can do to speed it up or prevent it.  If that means that I'm gonna have a couple more weeks of sleepless nights, then so be it. 

I think I can at least rest easy knowing that I can't get too much more uncomfortable.  I have contractions whenever my body feels like it, in no particular pattern.  Apparently, the nurse in labor and delivery thinks my contraction pattern looks like I have an irritable uterus....exciting.  Sleep is just about impossible to come by because my legs get sore if I lay on them too long (I do lots of flipping sides).  And chasing Bella around.  Ugh.  I get to cope with a little bit of everything now that I'm so close to going into labor.

How do I know I'm so close to going into labor?  Go look at a list of early labor signs and I pretty much fit the bill.  I'm not going to go into detail because it's really, really gross :).  Although, no matter how many aches and pains I have, the worst part is the waiting.  I can't lie.  It's damn near unbearable.  So, the plan is to take this a day at a time and try to find as much as possible to occupy my time.  Otherwise, I may just go completely insane.


Elle Fowler said...

I dont' think the "wait" gets any easier no matter how many kids you have. I remember being so on edge for weeks! I think I felt so relieved when labor finally started just because I didn't have to wait for it anymore. I love and miss you guys!

klcalder said...

I miss you too! Once this child decides to come and join us, I can start thinking about an OK vacation again :)!

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