Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another kid? Are you crazy!?!

Having a baby is great and all, but I'm not a big fan of all the changes its done to my body.  Really, its just one change.  I can deal with the pot belly.  I can deal with the emotions.  What I can't deal with is the irratic periods!  That's right.  It's gross.  Most women hate it.  And I have no idea when its going to attack again.  I've had one since I stopped nursing Bella and I am due for another.  And no, I'm not pregnant again.  Yes, I know for sure.  I understand that its not abnormal to have a change in cycle between having children, but that doesn't make it less annoying.

Having this issue though, has led me to ask myself a question.  When is it an appropriate time to have another baby?  The answer can't be the same for everyone, but there must be some general consensus that you can come to on a case by case basis.  Thinking about it, some questions come to mind that might help make the decision.  Do you think you can handle having two children close together?  Do you think you could handle having a newborn and kids in school?  I honestly don't think one is easier than the other because kids of all ages have their issues that you have to help them through.  Do you feel financially stable enough to afford another child?  Paying for one is alot, so paying for two or three could prove to be pricey.  But, there are also hand me downs that can help reduce costs.  What effect will this have on your current child/children?  I suppose this can also have something to do with how old they are.  Under a couple years old, I doubt they know the difference.  If they are in school, they have less time to consider that the attention they usually get all to themselves is being divided to another person.

All things considered, I honestly don't think I'd care one way or another.  Yes, Bella has already had a rough first few months, which will probably continue to be a rough first year, but why should I be afraid to have another kid because of that.  The hope is that Bella will get better, and who knows if another child would have the same problems, worse problems, or no problems at all.  For me, the answer to the question "When should we have another baby?" is that there is no right or wrong time to have another baby.  The best gage I can go by is my own feelings and my husbands feelings.  I know that isn't true for everyone, but, for me, that answer fits.


Heidi said...

A good friend of mine who is about 10 years older and has three kids told me it's best to wait a year between kids to give your body a chance to recover and be ready for another child.
I think you're right in the fact that it's best to gauge based off of your and Steve's feelings. It doesn't matter what anyone else says if the two of you are not ready.

Elle Fowler said...

The American Gynecological Association recommends 18 months between pregnancies to allow your body time to recover before straining it again. I don't believe in a perfect "time" for my guess is we'll have another when I can get Matt to forget about birth control!

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