Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Clint the Jedi!

Today's post is about the coolest little boy I know.  His name is Clint, and he's a Jedi.  His mama, she's a Jedi too.  I don't know about his daddy, but I do know he's a cool guy!  Anyway, Clint is a Jedi.  In fact, one day he walked up to his mama and told her, "When I grow up I'm going to be a Jedi, and fly away from this place. I'll miss you mom."  He knows how it goes, obviously.  But the thing about Jedis is that they have issues too.  Unfortunatley, Clint is no different.

Clint is having some trouble with his S's, and as he will be getting into school in a year or two, now is the time to get it fixed!  The only downside to getting it fixed is that there is a possibility of surgery.  However, Clint's doctors think that there's a strong posibility that surgery won't be necessary!  You see, as George Lucas would say, "The force is strong with this one."  I figure, when it comes to issues like this one, it can sometimes boil down to mind over matter, and Clint has a strong mind.  So does his mama for that matter.  She will do what she has to to encourage him in his speech therapy in the hopes that he won't need the surgery.  After all, no mom wants to see their baby go through that.

Clint's mom, Heather, has been a huge inspiration to me.  She's probably the most down to earth, sweetheart mama that you would ever meet.  And her kiddos are just the same.  I keep that in my mind often.  If I'm relaxed and go with the flow, then my enviroment will help my kid follow suit.  And with Steve, ya know, trying to be a Jedi ;), Bella is sure to follow suit! 

In the meantime, I'm focusing my energy on sending Clint positive vibes!  We gotta protect our Jedi knights in their time of need.  So, rock on Jedi Clint, and may the force be with you (even if it is the force of healing :)!)

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