Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Seeing as this is my first Mother's Day, I only had a vague idea of what to expect.  I know that my mom always got cards and flowers.  Occasionally, we'd get her a gift, if we knew what on earth she wanted!  It's hard to buy for someone after the first, oh, 15 years!  You start to run out of ideas cause they have EVERYTHING!

Well, I'm not so difficult I must say.  I like two big things that you can get for every holiday: gift cards (mostly to Target, iTunes, or Carter's baby store) and chocolate!  Not to say that a hug and a kiss don't work just as wonderfully!  I love being loved even more than material goods.  However, if you feel the need to give me a gift, those two are no fail situations.  I got one of those two things today.  Steve got me a gift card for a spa day whenever I choose to go out for one.  Pretty sweet if you ask me.  But the icing on the cake (which icing is totally the best part) was the card that he made for me.

He drew up an adorable card and on the inside, he traced my daughter's hands so they would form a heart.  It is so cute!  And of course, its adorable thinking about him trying to trace her hands cause I know that she was not happy about that! 

Other than that, we actually didn't do anything too out of the ordinary, and I'm totally greatful for that.  We spend every Saturday running around town to see grandparents and go to church, so I like spending Sundays in, only going out to get groceries!  At this very moment, the baby is napping, Steve and I are on our computers, relaxing, and a nice quiet dinner is soon to follow!  After such a great first Mother's Day, I can't imagine how awesome they'll be the older my little girl gets (and once we add more kiddos to the family). 

To all the mothers/soon-to-be-mothers/trying-to-be-mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!

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