Thursday, May 6, 2010

But how can you hate fruit!?!

It's true.  My child hates solids.  Everytime I try to feed her something new, she makes these awful faces at me like I'm feeding her dirt.  In fact, she now shakes her head when we try to get the spoon in her mouth.  While this is absolutely hysterical, its kinda sad.  I know that alot of the suggestions I've heard are don't force it on her, try again in a couple of months, but I'm not even sure she'll want them then.  We tried sweet potatoes first and that was the only food she got remotely interested in.  Squash she just spit out constantly, then she got a cold and was spitting up all the time.  We won't go back to squash for a while!  Then I just tried bananas with her.  I thought, "Ok, its something sweet!  Maybe that will help."  HA!  It did nothing.  She liked them less than the sweet potatoes. 

On the bright side, she is starting to take alot more formula!  Instead of the dinky 4 ounces every 3 hours, she'll now take anywhere from 6-8 ounces in a feeding!  That has made me so very happy.  She still takes an hours to finish a bottle most of the time, but she's getting more than enough formula and that's all I can ask for!  I'm hoping she actually hits 20 lbs by the time she's 1.  At the rate she's going, she'll be about 18, which is still good, but I want a little chunkier baby!  Right now, she's still a little bit on the super model side of things.  No pot belly on this baby.

ECI comes out on Monday, then the following Monday we are having a Barium Swallow test done to see if she's having any swallowing issues that would hinder her eating her food a bit more quickly like babies do normally.  Hopefully, it isn't anything major, but still, I hope that we can figure something out to work out our issues!  And hopefully, ECI coming out will be a success.  Although, the closer we get, the more Bella is actually doing.  We've mastered going from back to tummy.  She just can't go the other way to roll around the floor :).  Her arm strength is building up, as well.  She attempts to get up on her hands AND knees while on her tummy, but her arms need to be a bit stronger for that.  As for sitting up, she's still toppling right over when I sit her up and let go.  Oh well, we're taking baby steps (figuratively for now!) and I'm totally ok with that!


Amanda said...

Don't worry about the solids!! A lot of babies make the "yucky" face the first time they try something, but that doesn't mean they don't like it. Try offering her those foods a few more times because she might change her mind! Also, for the first year, solids are just supposed to be a fun learning experience. So... don't worry! It's awesome that she's taking more formula because that's way more important!!! :)

klcalder said...

Yeah I think its totally a texture issue. She has no idea what it is and she's not budging. If all else fails, I'll wait a month then try again. And rinse and repeat untill she starts to like it! But at least she likes her formula now, she hated this specialty stuff at first and it has really taken the 2 months for her to get 100% used to it I guess.

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