Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mommy Advice

I’ve been thinking lately. I like to do that about twice a month or so. Get my brain to stretch a little J. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about families and they’re dynamics. I’ve also been thinking about some of my friends who are about to have their first babies. Thinking of those ladies who are about to have a new dear one, I asked myself not what advice could I give them, but even what advice would I give myself if I met myself about half way through my pregnancy.  I figure, anyway, that is the advice you would probably give some one who is about to have their first child.

For me, that answer is easy. I never really expected anything to be a certain way during my pregnancy or during labor. When I woke up with those horrible stomach pains, I just kept telling myself, anything can happen just take it an hour at a time…..and get me that epidural. It worked out, because they talked about vacuums, c-sections, and some other things that you don’t usually go into labor expecting to hear about. It was nice that it didn’t phase me because you really don’t need the extra stress in the middle of delivery.

However, when it came to actually having Bella out and ready for me to take care of, I had a lot of expectations. All of those expectations were blown right out of the water immediately. She was in the NICU for a week and most everything has been a struggle ever since.

If I could meet myself at what would be about a year ago now, I would tell myself that there is no need to have expectations. Read all you want, learn the norm, but don’t ever assume that that is the way things will be. You can’t know for sure, so its best to be mentally prepared for many situations. I’m not saying that you should automatically assume the worst, but having an idea of what is possible as opposed to thinking that you are going to have a perfect baby who is going to do everything early and have absolutely no problems ever is a little ridiculous.

So, I want to ask the mommies who’ve had their kids, what would you tell yourself if you met the 5 month pregnant version of yourself?

1 comment:

Elle Fowler said...

Trust yourself. I would have told me to trust myself and that my instincts were right on. The idea of "the right" way to do things and being "the right kind of mom" is intense. Especially when you have people doing it so different from you or acting shocked when you do stuff differently. It's best to trust yourself and go along with what you believe. Advice is nice, but the best thing you can do is go with your gut.

Awesome post!

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