Thursday, December 2, 2010

95th Percentile

So, its decided.  This kid is huge.  His measurements from the ultrasound put him in the 95th percentile of fetal growth for his gestational age.  That's HUGE, especially compared to Bella.  Now, I get to spend the next 9 weeks freaking out over having a c-section due to Jude not being able to make it out. 

Of course, my doctor will continue to monitor my growth and it sounds like I'll have another sonogram in 4-5 weeks to see if Jude is still growing at this accelerated rate.  The beauty of this situation is that Jude may have just had a freakish growth spurt and will level off in growth in the coming weeks.  However, in most normal pregnancies, the baby grows about half a pound each week in the eighth month and a pound a week the last 4-5 weeks of the pregnancy.

There's also talk of inducing towards the very end if he's measuring 9-10 lbs and I don't go into labor on my own.  As much as I would LOVE that, I'm not keeping my hopes up on that one.  The word is that I need to get as close to 39 weeks as possible.  There's nothing wrong with that.  After all, its for the health of the baby.  But again, since Bella was 2 weeks early, I highly doubt that this baby is waiting any longer than that to come into this world. 

Still, I'll have to wait at least another 2 weeks to find anymore out.  Every week, something could change, so I'll just have to wait for each doctor appointment to find out her latest thoughts on what will happen.

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