Tuesday, April 13, 2010

6 month check up

Today we had another round of shots (not the tasty kind) and another round of good old development talk.  Unfortunatley, the shots were the easy part.  You see, Arabella is about a month or so behind on her development and now we've waited long enough to see if she would begin doing some things on her own.  Since she has yet to sit up on her own or roll over, our doc suggested a little bit of intervention.  She is going to refer us to a group called ECI (Early Childhood Intervention).  They basically help any kiddo under the age of 3 with developmental issues whose causes run the gambit from moderate to severe conditions.  Obviously, Belle's issues are moderate (the doctor mentioned her hip dysplasia and low weight) but still we would like to intervene now before any of this gets out of control. 

Being a first time mom, I'm not quite sure what I should be doing to help her develop other than what I've been told by other moms or what I've read.  In having this evaluation, the person will be able to either get me in contact with a therapist or tell me some exercises I can do and toys I can use to help Belle get to where she needs to be. 

Through all of this going on today, I realized something.  Two months ago, I would have been bawling my eyes out about this.  But I have gotten quite a bit stronger emotionally while helping my baby get what she needs.  I have finally knocked into my head that I can't cry everytime something goes wrong.  It has been proven to me time and time again that it WILL get better.  And you know what, I feel so much better because of that mentality. 

So, honestly, I am really happy that we are getting a chance to work with someone who can tell us whether or not we are on the right track.  Once the evaluator comes out, that person will let us know whether or not Belle qualifies for the therapy, but our pediatrician is fairly certain that we will.  And if we do qualify, I will be extatic!  If nothing else, maybe the evaluator will tell me that a baby gym will do just fine and that will give me an excuse to pay for some awesome gymboree time! <3

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