Sunday, September 19, 2010

When is it too much?

In the past few days, I believe I've been feeling some Braxton Hicks contractions come and attack my belly.  It's a sticky situation because it could be that I'm right and I need to be sure that they are just Braxton Hicks and not the onset of premature labor.  However, I could also be feeling some pressure from Jude moving around and pressing against a certain part of my belly.  The word from doctors (including my own) is that if you feel 4 or more of these "contractions" in an hour, call the doc or go to the ER. 

Now, these can be brought on by a number of things, most of which I do.  For instance, getting dehydrated can cause your uterus to contract.  Every so often I have this issue.  It isn't common for me since I keep my 32 oz jug with me all of the time and have to fill it 2-4 times a day.  I also have other things to drink throughout the day as well.  But every so often, usually while I sleep, I don't get enough water and now I'm paying the price.  Another factor that can cause Braxton Hicks is a full bladder.  Well, with all the water I drink, that's bound to occur.  I'm not gonna avoid that. 

Braxton Hicks can also be brought on by a lot of activity, whether it be from you or the baby.  Right now, I'm dealing with both.  Jude has started to move more than before, much like Bella used to, and I'm constantly on the move, even while at home.  With an almost 1 year old who is learning how to get around more and more every week, I don't have much of a choice but to move around with her.  This is another thing that pretty much can't be avoided.

The worries I have are that too many Braxton Hicks could cause a problem or that they are a sign that there already is a problem.  I haven't quite decided yet if I am going to call my doctor this next week or not.  I know that these "contractions" can be normal but I also want to be sure that I'm not dilating.  That would NOT be good.  I love feeling my baby move.  I'm just wondering when it's all too much.


Elle Fowler said...

Doc says call your OB if you are concerned. It's what they are they for and if you start having too many it's a sign something is going on (even if it's just a UTI or something that's not scary). I think better safe than sorry is the motto to go by! Plus, this pregnancy has got to be more stressful than the last! Mommies at ease are happy mommies.

klcalder said...

I haven't called yet, but I'm doing good with the contractions now. A lot of it is that this baby seems to be big enough to push out in large sections of my tummy. I keep mistaking that for Braxton Hicks. Most of the contractions happened when I was constantly getting Bella out of trouble in our office :). She too is into everything now.

And yes, mommies at ease are happy mommies. That's why I get to go to bed early every night. Steve's a champ!

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