Monday, August 30, 2010

One week to go

This is going to be one of the longest weeks of my life.  I have no plans.  I have something big to look forward to.  One week from tomorrow I will have my second sonogram for this pregnancy.  Most of you know what that means: gender identification.  Of course, Randy will make sure that the baby is developing well and everything looks right for the anatomy.  I want everything to be OK on that front, but we all know that the fun part, the part you look forward to, is finding out the gender.

I felt the same way waiting for Bella's gender sonogram.  I was so anxious.  I thought time couldn't fly fast enough.  The sad part is that I was working at the time.  Now, I don't have that to pass the time.  Although I have Bella to take care of now, time seems to move more slowly because I am waiting for things for her as well.  So much waiting can drive you MAD!  Though, the only difference between this time and last time is that I wasn't nearly as concerned with something being wrong with Bella. 

Everything with her was so new and amazing.  I knew that anything could happen, but I just felt that I had been lucky thus far and nothing could go wrong.  This time, I have been more cautious.  It isn't just now, it has been this way throughout the pregnancy.  I don't really know why, but things feel more realistic than fairytale.  Either way, a good part of me is still all excitement.  I can still push those worried feelings aside and get excited.  And I will tell you, I am VERY excited to find out the gender and see that things are looking good for our newest peanut! 

So, that leaves the question:  boy or girl?


Tory said...

Are you taking Votes? Can you do that?

Trisha said...

It's sad to hear but it seems like some of the issues you've had to overcome made you a lot more wary. I've been like that all my life - always expecting the worse! It's stressful at times like these!

If you're in Keller and have time why not come visit?!

klcalder said...

There is a poll on the blog! Take a guess!

And I am kind of wary, but also the newness of pregnancy isn't there this time. So when you aren't spending time being excited about everything, you think about what can go wrong. :) Doesn't help that Bella keeps me busy and stressed! Gotta love my baby!

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